We’ve all had our fair share issues with our vaginas… yeast infections, bacterial infections, heavy  and painful periods… you name it… we’ve been there!

I struggled for years with my vaginal health…  I had no idea that many of the products I was using on my body and my diet were affecting my vaginal health.  Are you struggling with your vaginal health or looking for ways to improve it? Then keep reading!

Take Probiotics

Probiotics are vital when it comes to vaginal health.  I guess I should explain what a probiotic is before I go further.  Probitics are a healthy form of bacteria that produces lactic acid and helps reduce and discourage the growth of bad bacteria.   Probiotics play a major role in our health, by enabling the body to fight off infection.  Taking probiotics can aid in the treatment of Yeast Infections and Bacterial Vaginosis.

When it comes to oral capsules, I take the probiotic by Renew Life… its the only vegan probiotic capsule I’ve been able to find in my local stores.

I also drink kombucha regularly.  Kombucha is loaded with natural bacteria that aid in boosting our immunity and improving our overall health.

You can also eat yogurt, kimchi, kefir, tempeh, sourdough, dark chocolate and a ton of other foods that are loaded with probiotics.

Recommended Products

Ultimate Flora Women’s Care
Health-Ade California Grape  Kombucha 

Maintain a Healthy Diet

Speaking of food, there are a lot of foods that will improve and maintain vaginal health.  Here are some of my favorites:

Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamin A.  Vitamin A aids in maintaining healthy vaginal and uterine walls and helps produce the hormones we need that allow us to stay energized.


Avocados have many health benefits, but one of them is that they can help you stay naturally lubricated down there, and it can enhance your estrogen levels.   Avocados are rich in vitamin B-6 and potassium which have positive effects on your libido.  For women that struggle with fertility and are undergoing IVF treatments, avocado may increase your success due to its unsaturated fats!

Cranberry Juice

Its packed with acid compounds that ward off unwanted and unneeded bacteria.  Cranberry juice is known for helping prevent and relieve the pain of urinary tract infections.  Skip the Ocean Spray and go with all natural no sugar added cranberry juice to take full advantage of its benefits.

Fresh Fruits and Well… Eating Plant Based in General

I can honestly say that since I switched to a plant based diet my menstrual cycles are much more manageable.  I experience very little cramping and my cycles went from 7 days to just about 3 days.  I can definitely tell when I haven’t been eating the way I should, because I experience numerous issues including terrible cramps.

Sugar and Alcohol

While there are foods that you should definitely ensure you are eating, there are also a few that you should avoid to make sure you are as healthy as possible.   If you are prone to yeast infections avoid foods that encourage yeast to grow like excessive sugar and alcohol.

Use Organic Feminine Care Products

It’s no secret how I feel about organic feminine care products. But I wasn’t always an advocate for organic feminine care products.   I remember how crazy I thought Vicky Logan was when she mentioned using organic tampons…  I thought… she is SO EXTRA!!!  But then, I did my research.  Now, I am willing to spend more and travel far for organic products that will improve and maintain my vaginal health.  So here is the tea… most conventional feminine care products contain:

  • Rayon

  • Chlorine

  • Pesticides

  • Latex

  • Dyes

  • Chemical Additives

  • Plastic Materials

According to the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) many of the chemicals that are found in conventional feminine care products contain glyphostate which some studies suggest is linked to non-Hodgkin lymphoma.  Why on earth would you want any of that near your vagina?

For me, switching the products I use completely changed the game when it came to my menstrual cycle.  I bleed a lot less heavy now and I  have not had a bacterial infection or yeast infection in 3 years.  I was getting them monthly and had no idea that it was coming from the types of products I was using.

Recommended Products:

This is L Ethical Personal Care Products
NatraCare Feminine Care Products 

Read the Labels

Many of the feminine care products on the market are filled with chemicals that can lead to health issues.  Many health issues that come along with using toxic products have nothing to do with the vagina.  Check out the Chem Fatale Report from Women Voices and see how many of the products being used are known to cause endocrine disruption, reproductive harm, asthma, and even cancer.

Get Rid of Washcloths

Washcloths hold bacteria, and its best to keep bacteria as far away from the vagina as possible.  Instead, buy a detachable shower that has an array of settings. This type of shower head will allow you to get to the parts of your body a regular shower head can’t reach. With a little warm water and if you desire an organic feminine wash, you won’t need to use a washcloth to keep your lady parts fresh.

Recommended Products:

 Keep That Yearly Appointment

You should be on a first name basis with your OB/GYN or any other doctor you may see.  Its crucial to your health always know whats going on with your vaginal health and your health in general.  Sometimes there may be something going on that you are not even aware of.   About ten years ago I went to the doctor to see what was going on with my menstrual cramps, I was getting them really low in my pelvic area and it felt different than usual.  Turns out, I had a cyst on one of my ovaries.   If I had just brushed it off as regular cramps who knows what it could have developed into.

Take the time to make your annual appointment, tell your doctor everything that’s going on with you.  Don’t be afraid to be candid with them… trust me you’re not the first person they’ve talked to that is experiencing the same symptoms or issues that you are.

Vaginal health is a huge part of our health so its very important that we take care of it.  What are you doing to keep your lady parts happy and healthy?


